2001年7月获在线赌场排名在线赌场排名分析化学专业理学硕士学位,2004年12月湖南大学获分析化学理学博士学位, 2005-2006年在清华大学化学系博士后流动站从事博士后研究,主持中国博士后基金一项,2012年11月至2013年11月在美国佛罗里达大学化学系做访问学者研究。2006年底加入在线赌场排名在线赌场排名化学与材料科学学院并担任副教授,2011年晋升为在线赌场排名教授,主要研究方向为生物传感及生化分析,目前研究工作主要集中在新型核酸探针的设计及应用、端粒酶活性检测及抑制剂筛选方法的研究等方面。
先后主持国家自然科学基金三项、化学计量学与生物传感器国家重点实验室(湖南大学)开放课题两项、在线赌场排名在线赌场排名青年基金一项,在线赌场排名在线赌场排名中央高校基本项目三项,参与教育部基金重点项目一项,2010年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划。迄今为止,获国家发明专利2项,2014年获在线赌场排名省高等学校科学技术二等奖,并先后在Analytical Chemistry、 Biosensors and Bioelectronics、 Chemical Communications、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等国内外期刊上发表论文30多篇,发表的论文在SCI上记录的他人引用700多次。
1. Wenhong Wang, Yina Zhao, andYan Jin*, Gold-Nanorod-Based Colorimetric and Fluorescent Approach for Sensitive and Specific Assay of Disease-Related Gene and Mutation,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2013, 5, 11741−11746.
2. Yina Zhao, Qi Zhang, Wenhong Wang,Yan Jin*, Input-dependent Induction of G-quadruplex Formation for Detection of Lead (II) by Fluorescent Ion Logic Gate,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2013,43, 231.
3. Wenhong Wang,Yan Jin*, Yina Zhao, Xuanfeng Yue, Chengxiao Zhang, Single-labeled hairpin probe for highly specific and sensitive detection of lead(II) based on the fluorescence quenching of deoxyguanosine and G-quartet,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2013, 41 ,137–142
4. Jing Deng,Yan Jin*, Lin Wang, Guozhen Chen, Chengxiao Zhang, Sensitive detection of endonuclease activity and inhibition using gold nanorods,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2012, 34, 144-150.
5. Guozhen Chen,Yan Jin*,Lin Wang, Jing Deng and Chengxiao Zhang, Gold nanorods-based FRET assay for ultrasensitive detection of Hg2+,Chemical Communications,2011, 47, 12500-12502.
6. Lin Wang,Yan Jin*,Jing Deng and Guozhen Chen, Gold nanorods-based FRET assay for sensitive detection of Pb2+using 8-17DNAzyme, Analyst,2011, 136, 5169-5174.
7.Yan Jin*, Hongyan Li, Ping Liu, Label-free electrochemical selection of G-quadruplex-binding ligands based on structure switching,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2010, 25, 2669 -2674.
8.Yan Jin*,Hongyan Li, Yanjin Bai, Homogeneous selecting of a quadruplex-binding ligand based gold nanoparticle fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay,Anal. Chem.2009, 81, 5709-5715.
9. Guozhen Chen,Yan Jin*,Wenhong Wang , Yina Zhao, Colorimetr ic assay of lead using unmodified gold nanorods, Gold Bulletin,2012, 45, 137– 143.
10.Yan Jin*, Guozhen Chen, Yuexia Wang, Gold nanorod-based FRET assay for selection of G-quadruplex-binding ligands,Gold Bulletin,2011, 44, 163-169.