
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于块定域化波函数的绝热表象成键分析方法的发展与应用(2021-2024)
2.国家自然科学基金青年项目 多卤阴离子体系中化学键本质的计算化学研究 (2017-2019)
3.山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金 石墨烯和石墨烷多聚体的能量分解分析 (2014-2015)
本 科: 《在线赌场排名》《赌球在线平台》《在线赌场排名》
研 究 生: 《在线赌场排名》
2008-2010: 厦门大学化学与化工学院物理化学专业博士研究生 (导师:吴玮教授)
2010-2012:西密歇根大学联合培养博士研究生 (莫亦荣教授课题组)
2012-2013:厦门大学化学与化工学院物理化学专业博士研究生 (毕业)
2013-2014:希伯来大学化学系 (Sason Shaik教授课题组)
2014-2018 : 中国石油大学(华东)理学院 讲师
2018- : 在线赌场排名在线赌场排名 在线赌场排名 副研究员
1.Wang, C.; Ying, F.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., Sensing or No Sensing: Can the Anomeric Effect Be Probed by a Sensing Molecule?Journal of the American Chemical Society2011,133(34), 13731-13736.
2.Wang, C.; Chen, Z.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., How the Generalized Anomeric Effect Influences the Conformational Preference. Chemistry – A European Journal2013,19(4), 1436-1444.
3.Wang, C.; Danovich, D.; Mo, Y.; Shaik, S., On The Nature of the Halogen Bond.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2014,10(9), 3726-3737.
4.Wang, C.; Ying, F.; Wu, W.; Mo, Y., How Solvent Influences the Anomeric Effect: Roles of Hyperconjugative versus Steric Interactions on the Conformational Preference. The Journal of Organic Chemistry2014,79(4), 1571-1581.
5.Wang, C.; Mo, Y.; Wagner, P.; Schreiner, P.; Jemmis, E.; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S., Self-association of graphane is driven by dispersion and enhanced by orbital interactions. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2015,11(4), 1621-1630.
6.Wang, C.; Guan, L.; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y. On the Origins of the Directionality of Noncovalent Intermolecular Interactions.Journal of Computation Chemistry2016,37(1), 34-45.
7.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y., Halogen Bonds in Novel Polyhalogen Monoanions. Chemistry – A European Journal2017,23(36), 8719-8728.
8.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y.,A Unified Theory for the Blue- and Red-Shifting Phenomena in Hydrogen and Halogen Bonds.Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2017,13(4), 1626-1637.
9.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Mo, Y., Hydrogen- and Halogen-Bonds Between Ions of Like Charges: Are They Anti-Electrostatic in Nature?Journal of Computational Chemistry2018,39, 481-487.
10.Wang, C.*; Danovich, D.; Shaik, S.; Wu W.; Mo, Y., Attraction between Electrophilic Caps: A Counterintuitive Case of Noncovalent InteractionsJournal of Computational Chemistry2018
11.Wang, C.;Aman, Y.; Ji, X.; Mo, Y., Tetrel bonding interaction: an analysis with the block-localized wavefunction (BLW) approach.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2019,21(22), 11776-11784.
12.Wang, C.;Mo, Y., Classical Electrostatic Interaction Is the Origin for Blue-Shifting Halogen Bonds.Inorganic Chemistry2019,58(13), 8577-8586.
13. Du J.,Wang C., Yin S., Wang W., Mo Y.,Resonance-assisted/impaired anion–π interaction: towards the design of novel anion receptors,RSC Advances.2020,10, 36181-36191.